Five centuries of history...
The Château de la Berchère reflects the history of France and Burgundy.
Reflecting the History of France
The Château de la Berchère reflects the history of France and Burgundy.
Built as a fortification against medieval invasions, it was acquired and richly decorated in the 16th and 17th centuries, following the influence of the Dukes of Burgundy.
Built as a fortress against medieval invasions, it was purchased in 1463 by Jean Le Goux of Nuits-Saint-Georges who was ennobled by Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, and added « de la Berchère » to his name. Le Goux family members played prominent roles in the judiciary and the Parliament of Burgundy. Rich ornementation was added to the château in the 16th and 17th centuries.
In December 1738 the Joly de Bevy family took over the property.
But at the end of the 18th century, in the wake of the French Revolution, the château and its grounds were confiscated and sold as State property.
The Joly de Bevy family recovered part of the property in the early 19th century , but much hardship followed.
One of the battles of the 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War was fought closeby and compensation for material damage was awarded the then-owner, Nicolas René Quirot de Poligny.
The château suffered further damage due to German occupation in WWII, then when it served as housing for French and American troops at the Liberation.
Welcome to the Castle!
Les propriétaires et toute l’équipe du chateau sont heureux de vous acceuillir dans ce magnifique
lieu et vous remercie de soutenir le patrimoine français.